[MD-sorular] An Anne Geddes E-Card for You

Op Dr Bulent Aydin antalyacatblue at yahoo.com
4 Şub 2006 Cmt 12:33:58 EET


 	 Dear md sorular,

Op Dr Bulent Aydin has sent you a unique Anne Geddes E-Card.

Your card is available any time over the next 60 days by clicking here
C9-9F0D-CE77DEBB0816++>  or copying and pasting the link into your web


If you are not sure about how to copy and paste the link, here are some
steps that may help:

1. With your mouse, highlight the ENTIRE Web address shown above. 
2. Select the EDIT menu and choose COPY. 
3. Go to your Web browser and click inside the window where you normally
type the Web address you are going to visit.
4. Select the EDIT menu and choose PASTE. 
5. Now hit ENTER on your keyboard to take you to the Web address.

Your E-Card reference number is: B5E03321-6F05-44C9-9F0D-CE77DEBB0816++

To send an Anne Geddes E-Card visit our website at:

http://www.annegeddes.com <http://www.annegeddes.com/> 


If you would like to report abuse of this system, view our privacy
policy, add yourself to our Do Not Email Me list, or send us your
comments, please click here
9-9F0D-CE77DEBB0816++> .

Anne Geddes Customer Service | 2101 4th Avenue | Suite 1010 | Seattle |
WA 98121 | USA



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