[MD-sorular] Weil restriction

Rukiye ÖZTÜRK rukiye0471 at gmail.com
26 Nis 2012 Per 15:03:26 EEST

Wikipedia  "Weil restriction" kavramını aşağıdaki gibi tanımlamış:
Aşağıdaki tanımlamada "*S X_k **L"  ile ne kastediliyor?*

Let *L/k* be a finite extension of fields, and *X* a variety defined over *L
*. The functor [image: \mathrm{Res}_{L/k}X] from
op to sets is defined by
[image: \mathrm{Res}_{L/k}X(S) = X(S \times_k L)]

(In particular, the *k*-rational points of [image: \mathrm{Res}_{L/k}X] are
the *L*-rational points of *X*.) The variety that
functor is called the restriction of scalars, and is unique up to
unique isomorphism if it exists.
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